How to set DDR2 to 1066 MHz for my memory on TA790GX 128M?

Most of DDR2 1066 memory need to over-voltage and set the memory timing in BIOS.

Please follow procedure for proper memory settings.

(1)Check your memory volage.
--> Every different memory has different original voltage value demand,please check your memory first.
For example:
This memory demand volatge is 2.2V~2.4V

(2)Set your memory voltage in BIOS.
CMOS / T-Series / OverClock Navigator [Manual OverClock] / Voltage Configuration / Memory Over Voltage [Please set the memory demand voltage].
--> For example,this memory voltage follow its demand to set it to 2.2V~2.4V

(3)Set memory clock in BIOS.
CMOS / T-Series / OverClock Navigator [Manual OverClock] / DRAM Timing Configuration / Memory Clock Mode [Manual] / Memclock Value [Please set to DDR2-1066]

(4)BIOS [Save Changes & Exit]
Memory clock will run DDR2-1066 speed.

POST screen can verify the DDR2 speed.