How to use Virtu GPU virtualization software for my TZ68A+ motherboard?

System requirement
CPU: Intel Sandybridge Dual/Quad core CPU
VGA card: Nviaia GF 4xx or higher
  ATI 5xxx or higher
Memory: 2G or above
OS: Windows 7 32/64 bit
VGA driver: Intel/AMD/Nvidia All WHQL drivers

i-Mode provides user with Intel Sandy bridge special features and power saving options
When no 3D gaming is used. To use Lucid Virtu solution in i-Mode, display must be
always connected to Sandy Bridge motherboard video output.

d-Mode is provided for 3D gamers to achieve uncompromised 3D performance of
discrete GPU installed in the system.

Note:  We recommend 3D gaming User to use d-mode to get better performance.
For power saving User, we recommend User to use i-mode.

Virtu d-Mode Hardware installation
1. Install external VGA card to TZ68A+ M/B.
2. Connect display to external VGA output.

3. Enter BIOS setup menu and enter below position for change setting.
 (1)   Chipset > North Bridge > Initiate Graphic Adapter > Set to PEG/IGD

 (2)   Chipset > North Bridge > IGD Multi-Monitor > Set to Enable

Virtu i-Mode Hardware installation
1. Install external VGA card to TZ68A+ M/B.
2. Connect display to onboard VGA output.

3. Enter BIOS setup menu and enter below position for change setting.
   (1)   Chipset > North Bridge > Initiate Graphic Adapter > Set to IGD

 (2) Chipset > North Bridge > IGD Multi-Monitor > Set to Enable

Driver installation
1. Install Intel Z68 on-board VGA driver.
2. Install external VGA driver.
3. Install Virtu software from support CD.

Virtu Operation
After the installation process completed, VIRTU is activated. The Lucid logo shows on system tray.
Right click with Mouse at the icon, it will display the following screen.

You can stop the Virtu function by press “Disable Virtu”. When stop Virtu, system will use onborad Sandy Bridge IPG for graphic activities.
Invisible or grey logo means VIRTU is not activated.
In case no logo is shown on the system tray, it is possible to activate the driver and the control panel manually by using the following instructions: 
   1. Click "Start" > "Programs" > "VIRTU".  
   2. Click right button of the mouse on “Virtu Control Panel”.