Can I use SATA 2 hard disk on VIA 8237 or 6420 SATA chipset?
Why does the SPDIF output on iDEQ only have 2-channel sound?
Why does the iDEQ300G's Eject Button In Remote Control not functioning properly with Windows MCE 2005?
Why does the StudioFun CD is not in the package?
Why does my iDEQ300G MCE-I's remote control cannot work?
Which OS will support iDEQ300G MCE-I?
Why does my motherboard cannot show the AMD Sempron CPU name correctly in POST screen?
Which Biostar motherboard will support AMD Sempron CPU?
Why does my LGA 775 system shut down automatically after power on few seconds?
Why does the CPU temperature is very high on my iDEQ 200T, 200A, 210A and 210M system?