Which of Biostar's motherboard is able to support AMD Athlon XP CPU?
When I install latest Microsoft Windows XP, the computer always stop to respond at "Windows is starting Windows XP" message. Why is that, and how can I solve this?
Why my system will pop-out from 3DWinMark2001 Testing Program when I'm using the AMD Athlon 1.33GHz CPU?
How do I know what is the BIOS Version In my System?
Why my Digital Joystick Is working inconsistently or sometime doesn't working at all under Win2000 Professional Version? This failure symptom Is not appeared under Win98, Win98SE and WinME.
Why my computer stops responding (Hang-up) while Windows Is starting, or halts and displays the following error message ;Insufficient Memory to initial Windows. Quit one or more memory-resident program or remove unnecessary utilities from your Config.sys and Autoexec.bat file, and restart your computer.
Where I can get the on board VGA/Audio driver for Linux Operating System ?
Hardware Monitor utility reports the system unable to detect the CPU Fan spinning speed. Why? The CPU fan has been connected to the 3-pin fan connector.
The hardware monitoring utility keeps reporting abnormal CPU temperature, voltage, etc., but the system seems working fine. Is there anything I have to check?
Why I can't run 3Dmark2001 Benchmark properly with my NVIDIA RIVA128 ZX graphic card?